Download YouTube vector (SVG) logo

Download YouTube SVG icon for free. YouTube logo in vector .SVG file format.


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Vector format: SVG

Tags: social, videos, streaming, Youtube

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With YouTube advertisements, branded networks are a valued paid service. Brand managers collaborate with a YouTube agent to build sponsored streams that are much more customizable than standard YouTube streams.

And although sponsored channels depend on the standard YouTube network, such as social networking and specific direction, they can be modified in areas that personal networks unable to.

Establishing a YouTube account about your company gives you a secure online streaming campaign to demonstrate your goods and services, as well as a place to upload personal photos for customers and employers. You only need a User account even to get initiated; once you've created the profile, you can continue posting content to YouTube optimizing your channel profile with icons as well as other images, and posting updated information on that channel's discussion board.


Several individuals on this earth are unfamiliar with the YouTube emblem, which is among the most recognizable symbols ever made. After 2017, whenever the new icon launched, the unique aesthetic of the world's most popular virtual video site remained relatively unchanged over the decades. It was based entirely on the original, produced in 2005. The first-ever YouTube emblem was released in 2005. It featured a font that was separated into three sections: a basic black "You" from the first word capitalized and a white "Tube" displayed on a slope three-dimensional rectangular with curved edges.

The red rectangle of the YouTube symbol, which resembles a television or a computer monitor, has become a global brand symbol. This YouTube emblem change was first unveiled in July 2011 due to the Cosmic Panda project, and it has been formally adopted a few weeks later.

That time, a red cube is deeper in the shade. The term "Broadcast Yourself" had also been removed in late November 2012. Since YouTube introduced an updated version of its platform layout in December 2011, those video streams were presented in a central axis upon this main page, analogous to the news pages of social media sites. This symbol first showed on the homepage.

Till 2020, such a symbol was still visible on the "Adding videos to playlist" display. The red square was lightened in color on December 19, 2013. The words "You" have also been darkened, and the outline behind the letter "Tube" has been eliminated.

The red component was darkened again during the 2015 revision, although the structure and font type of the slogan remained constant. However, the expression of the symbol was modified as well, and now it appeared elegant and widespread.

Around 2017, the latest YouTube icon design was launched, and that's when the current symbol was created. The wordmark with capitalized "Y" or "T" has been in the original sans-serif font, although both pieces are already displayed in black on such a white wall, on the right from such a red symbol.

The latest logo has the same lightened horizontal rectangular design as the old one. Instead of print, it has a white triangular heading to the right, representing the "Play" icon.


The YouTube symbol is made up of the Helvetica format used in television programs in the 1950s. That Alternate Gothic typeface series is being used in the YouTube emblem.

YouTube icon evolution:

According to the organization, the new symbol is an improvement rather than a transformation, as it is important to develop to survive on high. Since 2005, there is no YouTube. That's worth noting that YouTube still has a great icon and a great layout for its inspired services like YouTube Kids, Games, TV, Red, even Music.

An old emblem type has been renewed as part of the marketing strategy process. A new YouTube style was established. However, since the organization wanted something that might look fabulous on every YouTube site, the production took a very considerable time.

Design Patterns features are applied to a variety of devices, like mobile systems. Google still uses it and applies it to all of its programs. This strategy, and none other, is what allows the web easy to use, easily understood, and simple while emphasizing the users' information.


The YouTube symbol is made up of three colors: white, red, and black – a satisfying selection. Success, hope, enthusiasm, purity, grace, and dedication are all highlighted. These will be the characteristics that have powered YouTube to its present position.

That YouTube symbol consists of a black letter "You" and even a red curved square with the remaining half of a letter "Tube" within it. The slogan “Streamed Yourself" is frequently featured there at the top of the layout. As YouTube published a modified edition of the platform's design in December 2011, the new style with the deeper and much more elegant shading of red was added, representing the first major change after October 2006.

Old Emblem:

The first edition of a YouTube icon (from 2005 to 2011) had two components: that "You" portion bold black characters and also the "Tube" portion put within what looked like such a vintage style Television screen with curved edges.

The "screen" is dark red, with white characters spelling out "Tube." It was brighter in the top right corner. The phrase "Broadcast Yourself" was occasionally inserted beneath. The rectangular was deeper and also stronger in the 2011-2013 variation than in the earlier one.

About the middle of such an edition's life, the phrase disappeared. The following variation was introduced in 2013 and was used until 2015. The rectangular enhanced marginally, as well as the "You" portion, became completely black. That Television screen in both of these models had shadows that appeared rounded.

Logo’s “icon”:

The symbol, like the standard YouTube emblem, has undergone numerous changes. The program's name was written in two sections in the early editions; however, since 2011, the symbol contained a play button.

In 2013, the triangular and rectangular dimensions were modified, and the red color was updated many times before the key was illuminated completely red from 2017.


The new edition, as with all past editions, features the black "You" or white "Tube" on such a red "antique Television screen." The “circular” shadings have been eliminated, as well as the display portion now appears to be entirely flat.

The YouTube icon is among the most well-known and easily identifiable symbols on the online platform without question. It has, though, going through a few minor changes across the past.

Targeting by Categories:

Daily YouTube videos cannot limit users by age and gender, and neither can people reduce exposure based on their place. But on the other side, advertised YouTube videos would do so. This allows brands to target their markets based on individual needs.