Download LinkedIn vector (SVG) logo

Download LinkedIn SVG icon for free. LinkedIn logo in vector .SVG file format.


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Tags: social, employment, business

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LinkedIn, including Fb, Instagram, Twitter, is a social media platform among other digital media platforms. Although, like many social networks, it is operated by Microsoft, a major technology corporation.

LinkedIn, though, is a social sharing platform developed to support individuals in establishing business contacts, express their stories and qualifications, and seek jobs, unlike many other online networking sites.

LinkedIn has been the country's leading online networking site. It will help you find the best job or career, build and develop professional interactions and gain the trade you must to advance in the job. It could be accessed or viewed through a desktop computer, the LinkedIn smartphone application, the LinkedIn mobile browser interface, or the LinkedIn Lite iOS smartphone application.

By highlighting your remarkable professional story via practice, expertise, and knowledge, a full resume will help you interact with possibilities. LinkedIn can also help you plan offline activities, join communities, write posts, share images and videos, and much more.


LinkedIn introduces itself as a significant online portal, as shown by the background of its creative vision. The website's classic logo has only been updated twice in nearly two decades, and the theme and layout we see today is an updated version of the traditional symbol, first published in 2003.

The old LinkedIn emblem featured a black "Linked" font with such a bright blue square upon this right, which displayed the white "in" in the lowercase letter. That nameplate's main and assured sans-serif text had been very identical to Radiate Sans Bold as well as LCT Picón Bold. The icon's white, black, and gray color scheme reflected honesty, responsibility, and consistency.

Then 2011 upgrade only modified the logotype's font, maintaining the original structure and layout and the color scheme. The font used for the latest LinkedIn illustration was Avenir Pro, which had slightly narrower lines than that of the older design and the same everlasting patterns as the older design.

That LinkedIn emblem was refreshed for the 2nd attempt in 2019, except for the color scheme's only difference. Currently, the black "Linked" text seems to be the same color as the squares with curved edges on the right-hand side of the typeface. The font was significantly improved in contrast to the past edition, and also, the dots well above characters "I" are all now set a little larger.

LinkedIn Logo:

A LinkedIn logo is thoroughly modern and gives off an "internet 2.0" theme. A logo like this could not have been produced in the previous decade.

The terms "Linked" also "in" look good in the wordmark. Among the two times, there is still a tiny bit of a gap. The term "in" is surrounded by a blue square featuring curved edges. The word "linked" is written in black, while the word "in" is written in red (white).

In certain situations, it's enough to "reduce" the icon. For example, if there isn't a lot of room or whether the area is square, and if it's necessary to create the emblem easily understandably. In such cases, the term "Linked" is dropped but only "in" remains. This strategy has been used, for example, to create square-shaped LinkedIn-branded sweets.


Each ® or TM icon should be used in combination with the LinkedIn label. Trademark privileges differ from one country to the next. In certain nations, misusing the identification symbol ® will result in charges Ascertain that the required label is used following the following guidelines:

® symbol in the logo

Also, use model for copyrighted resources (e.g., product microsites, ads)

TM symbol in the logo

Then use an update for print but also digital content (e.g., emails, case studies, presentations)


Template Sans has been the typeface used throughout the LinkedIn current logo. It can be used to convey any communication relating to the business. Even though the Original Sans text is available in various styles, the organization suggests using the "Light" either "Semi-bold" variants. It's also permissible to utilize the Original Serif or System Software modes to convey central brand notifications in multiple texts.

Background colors:

For optimum effect and visibility, the symbol should be shown on a white background. If this isn't possible, make sure to pick background colors either images that compare well to the emblem.

For white or light-colored textures or images, are using the two-color emblem. That ‘in' will be to keep the white.

With black colors or images with enough clarity with all symbol elements, use the two-color opposite design. The ‘in’ is to stay white.

For dark settings or pictures, they are utilizing the white-colored icon. The 'in' must be visible.

It utilizes the dark grey emblem with white or light-colored textures or images in each printed format. That 'in' must be visual.


Three colors make up the organizational color range: blue, black, as well as white. The color blue, branded LinkedIn Blue, is at the heart of the company's brand image. There may be many explanations for such a company's decision to go with blue.

Perhaps one of those is many individuals mistakenly relate it with online connectivity and interaction (keep taking, for example, Facebook's color scheme). Also, throughout the LinkedIn developers were leading PayPal representatives, it is only appropriate that even a color similar to PayPal blue was selected.

Furthermore, blue's emotional representation includes values like intelligence, authority, strength, and achievement, all associated with both the visual image.

Space & size:

The minimum thickness gap is x, which is equal to the breadth of the horizontal curve of element I or even the distance among the words 'Linked' and the [in]. The 2x clear width space requirement must be followed at all times. Where necessary, try to optimize open space.

Our icon or [in] must be at least 21px on display or 0.25in (6.35mm) in text, as determined by the thickness of the [in]. Tiny print formats can be needed in extraordinary cases (e.g., on event merchandise). Readability should still be your first concern in such situations; make sure that ® and TM symbols are easily visible.